
Wild Rebel

Hitchhikers from Brussels (02/07)

"Aim for the moon. If you miss, go to Barcelona. Rebel with a cause"

Amber Quinze

23y, Oudenaarde


22y, Ronse


What are your personal assets in your team?

Amber Quinze:Doorzettingsvermogen, enthousiasme, avontuurlijk, innovatief

Ilka:Oplossingsgericht, humoristisch, gedrevenheid en doorzettingsvermogen.

And your weaknesses?

Amber Quinze:Impulsiviteit en koppigheid

Ilka:Standvastigheid en temperamentvol.

By whom would you want to be picked up?

Amber Quinze:Will Smith en Trevor Bell

Ilka:Derek Shepherd en Dylan O'Brien.

What would be the destinations of your world trip if you win?

Amber Quinze:Eerst naar Aziƫ daarna Zuid-Amerika en Afrika. Eigenlijk alle continenten

Ilka:Naar overal, alstublieft.


Challenge #1
40 min. [?]

Challenge #2
40 min. [?]

Challenge #3
40 min. [?]

Challenge #4
40 min. [?]

Challenge #5
30 min. [?]


  • 02/07: 03:44 (1st)
  • 03/07: 05:54 (12th)
  • 04/07: 04:41 (1st)
  • 05/07: 05:27 (6th)
  • 06/07: 01:39 (1st)

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